We just updated the Games Workshop Mail Order form with the new Dwarf models from this week, and GW items are an extra 5% off for a limited time!
That's right, for a limited time get an EXTRA 5% OFF our already low everyday prices on sealed Games Workshop products.
Plus it's super easy to order from us, just call us or click below and fill out our mail order form!
GW Order Hotline: (804) 869-2487

All you have to do to get your very own copy of the mail order form is email ordergw@spikeybits.com or click HERE
Plus not only can you get Games Workshop at 20% OFF MSRP everyday, you can also get great flat $6.95 shipping to the USA as well.
So are you still searching for an online seller to provide you with Warhammer 40k and Fantasy Miniatures from Games Workshop?
Well search no further, Spikeybits sells Warhammer 40k and Fantasy Models, for 20% off even, and has a great flat shipping rate in the US on all orders!
Want us to email you our Games Workshop Catalog?
Keep in mind that while we have staff on hand until 10PM weekdays for mail order sales, they will not be able to help you with ORDER related issues.

Games Workshop's Policies have forced all US retailers to sell Games Workshop products without the benefit of an online shopping cart, including basics such as price and pictures of the products.
Spikey Bits strictly complies with the Games Workshop Internet policy.
However, we do have a store stocked full of Games Workshop products and the best part is we sell them everyday at 20% off Games Workshop US retail prices.
Give us a call on our order hotline and enjoy service and support that are second to none. Thanks for shopping Spikey Bits! -MBG
GW Order Hotline: (804) 869-2487